Vintage Curated by Carolien Spoor

Where did your love for vintage jewellery come from?
I really grew up with antique and vintage, since my parents owned an antique shop. As we would say in Dutch: ‘Het was er met de paplepel ingegoten.’ When I was little I always saw the love my parents had for antique or vintage furniture and jewellery. Our house was full of antique treasures and therefore my taste became a combination of antique and modern. My dad used to take me to antique markets when I was little and that’s where my love for vintage and design jewellery grew.
Since then I’ve collected a lot of vintage clothing and jewellery, and every piece has a story. When you buy something vintage, you buy a little piece of history, and I think this is what makes it even more precious and special. You can feel the history in the piece because it’s truly one-of-a-kind and unique, you will never be able to find it anywhere else. You can then create your own history with these pieces, by wearing it and passing it down, it’s really there to cherish forever.
What was the first vintage item you owned?
When I was little, my parents gave me a really small antique ring. I still own it and cherish it so much. It’s too small now, so I’m thinking of getting it resized or wearing it around a necklace. Around that time, I also got a small vintage wooden jewellery box with a small silver salamander, it’s from an antique market and I got it as a gift.
What piece of vintage that you own has the most special story?
I have a few stories that are very special to me. When I turned 18, I got a beautiful golden ring with a small diamond my mother used to wear. For my wedding ring, we created something unique, the stones in the ring are stones from a ring my mom used to wear in a new case, so it really was something old and something new. Finally, I have received birth gifts for the birth of my two babies, one of which was a vintage opal ring with diamonds, the opal is truly mesmerizing, depending on the light it catches, the colour changes.
All of these pieces, I will truly treasure forever.
Where do you find your inspiration for your style?
Everywhere, on the streets, social media, and I love to get inspired by the countries I travel to. One day I’ll dress like a true Parisienne, the next day I’ll be inspired by a citytrip to New York and wear a more urban street style look. I believe a look truly comes to life once you bring something vintage or antique into it. By combining modern items with vintage pieces, you tell a story and it creates depth, whether that’s in your home, clothing, or jewellery. Between 60 and 70% of my wardrobe is vintage, and any items I no longer wear, I give another life by reselling them. That’s how I curate to personal collection.
Where do you find the best vintage pieces?
Through this inspiration, there are always specific pieces that are on my mind. I will then start looking for these items on platforms like Vinted or The Next Closet, or in my favourtie vintage design boutique Salon Heleen Hülsmann. However, the best vintage pieces are always the ones that have a story to tell, whether that is because I bought them for a special occasion or because it was passed down to me as an heirloom piece.
What did you look for when curating this vintage drop?
I wanted to curate a collection that consists of pieces you have never seen before, outspoken and unique pieces, but with something for everyone. The jewellery we found, you will not find anywhere else, and you can actually see the craftsmanship and art in each and every piece. The details in the panther charm are incredible, and it’s such a statement piece. The ring with the picture is another one of my favourites, because you can add pictures of your loved ones. I have never seen that before in a ring.
Do you have any items that you would pass down to your kids one day?
I do have two boys, but if they want to have any of my jewellery when they grow up, I’d be happy to pass it down to them. I see my jewellery as heirloom pieces and would love to pass my most cherished items down to the next generation, whether that’s to my children, a niece, or a child of a friend of mine. I’ve now curated a small collection for myself that I hope will exist forever.
Do you have any advise for someone looking to start buying vintage?
I would suggest buying vintage as a gift for yourself on a special occasion, because this piece will then always remind you of that specific moment and grow even more special over time. It should be something that you will never get bored with, for some that means a more classic piece, for others an outspoken statement item. Choose a piece that you’re not buying because it’s trendy, choose it because it’s you, and because your hearts makes a little jump when you see it.